Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life is crazy good!!!

Wow okay! So, so much has happend these past few days! I feel like i have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!! Getting ready for graduation is so crazy! I really can't believe that it's only 10 days away!!! I'm so excited!!!
Also, tonight my dad is coming home from Virginia i am super excited and thrilled that he is moving back. Sara is spending the night tonight so she can see dad and such. Also her stinkin cute dog Jixer is too:)
Life getting better and better. Can't wait to graduate!! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My life in a nutshell!!

Well I'm new at this. So i will just fill everyone in on my life right now.
Currently the biggest thing in my life is graduating from high school! Graduation is on June 2nd and i can't wait!! This year has brought so many changes to my life, i know there is so many more to come though. As of right now my dad is in Virginia for the next 3 months. It's hard going day by day with out seeing him every day, but i know that there has to be reason for all of this. My mom and i are becoming great friends I feel bad for not taking the chance to get to know her so well these past few years. I'm excited for this summer its going to be so much fun! I will be going to youth conference, oakcrest, and girls camp!! Its really sad to think that its my last year doing all of these so I'm going to make the best of all of them! This summer is also going to be bitter sweet too, because i feel like its my last official summer as a kid. Come fall i will be a freshman in college and that is when my life will really be getting started, but I'm so excited for this new adventure!!