Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frustration & Confusion.

Sometimes I wonder if there is any genuine real people left in this world. I hate hate hate when people act like they know me, and can relate to me then 5 seconds later its like we never had a heart-to-heart or anything of the sort. Right now I'm in a very awkward, tough situation, I feel like I'm always being attacked from many different angles. In result of this I am changing who I am, or at least who I was. This kills me. I once used to be a happy, funny, optimistic, lover of life type of girl. Now i don't even know if I can fully describe who I am anymore. I hate this feeling of confusion, of not knowing what to do next. I feel like before I came to Snow I had my life planned out of what i was going to be doing. School, Oakcrest, Mission, School & Career. Now I don't even know what I want out of life. I don't know where I stand with so many things. I hate the feeling of not knowing myself or who I am. Its an awful gut wrenching feeling. I thought coming here would help me find myself, not lose myself. I was just getting my life how I wanted it, coming to terms with who I was, and now its like reality has hit and its never hurt more a day in my life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have been really lucky to get the roommates that I have, I always heard horror stories of girls living together in such close quarters, but so far nothing too bad has happened. We all get along pretty well. I thought I'd just take a few Min's and talk about each one:)

On the left is Katy. To be honest I thought from the beginning that I was not going to like her, and that we were no way going to be able to get along. She is so chill and understanding. We pretty much share a brain and I'm not kidding! We both have a lot of the same interests and think the same in a lot of different ways! Oh and we both hate feet and anything to do with them! She is super funny and just is always making me laugh!

Next is Morgan. We came down to Snow together. We have been best friends for a few years now and I am really glad that she is down here with me. We have became closer in a lot of ways, and also learned a lot about each other. Sometimes we get in little fights that are totally pointless, but they end up being funny. In the long run, I'm glad she is here with me.

Next is Dani. She is like no one I have ever met. In a good way. She is unpredictable. I love her! She is always making me laugh and making sure that I feel included and such. We are completely opposite in a lot of things, but we still have so much respect for each other. I'm so glad that I have had the chance to meet her!

Last there is Brittany. This girl is crazy! She loves sports more than anything, she is constantly playing one of figuring out ways to go play them. She seems to keep us all in line and help us keep our priorities straight. She is a very laid back girl too, I am very happy that she is living with us! Oh and she makes some pretty delicious bean dip!

This is going to be a crazy journey with these girls, but we have already had so much fun doing random crazy things, like crazy hair/make up, various dances, Denny's at 1am food fights, staying up all night talking and many more! I love them all and I'm so glad that I have been able to meet them all!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Lately I have been pondering this question a lot. Why am I here in this exact location right now? It it really for me? Is this really what my Heavenly Father wants for me?
When thinking about college a few months ago I was so excited, I wanted nothing more but to move out and to find out more about myself and who I would become, but now I have found out that it is a lot harder than some make it seem. I wish that someone would have filled me in on this, don't get me wrong I do love being away from home most the time, but sometimes its nice to be around people that I know really do love me and want the best for me.
This has been a really hard month for me, I don't understand quite a few things right now, but i know that with my Heavenly Father's help I can get through anything:)