Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The past two weeks...

I don't even know where to start. I have so many emotions that I have kept bottled up inside of me for too long now. My life has changed 100% from 2 weeks ago. I have made some life changing decisions that I can never go back on. Honestly, I have never been happier with myself or my choices at any other point in my life. I think i feel this way because every decision that I'm making is because of me, and what is going to help better me as a person.
As of right now, I am doing all the things that I need to be doing to make me happier like reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, going to the temple and being around people that love me and will lift me up. Its AMAZING how much influence these simple things have on my life. My whole time at Snow I was never close to Heavenly Father. My relationship with him was struggling, I couldn't find the balance, time, or desire to read, pray or attend the temple. Now I'm reading and praying every night and getting back into my temple routine. I promise and know with all of my heart that we are supposed to do these things for a reason. I went three months with out them, and those were the darkest, hardest, loneliest three months of my life. I never want to feel that way again.
I love being home and being around my family. The saying "home is where the heart is" is so true. My family means the world to me. I love my big sister more than anyone in the world. We fight, and scream at each other all the time, but i know at the end of day she is the one person in this crazy world that I can always count on. My parents will do anything for me to make sure I'm happier. I'm grateful for their sacrifices and all that they have done for me.
This post is more for me to vent and get my emotions out then anything. I love having the blog, I'm sure that there are only a few people that actually read it, because in the end it is more for me to vent, and get my feelings out somewhere.
Well, anyways, I'm very grateful for those who have helped me these past two weeks, I'm hoping for many more happy weeks to come! :)

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