Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Now I know that I'm not all super fancy with this here blog situation, but I do love blogging about my life, and I have decided to be more dedicated to it. I love reading other people's blogs and reading about their lives. Even though mine isn't super exciting there is definitely "blog worthy" things.
Like for instance, I am having thee hardest time going to class lately. I don't know what it is, but I just can't stand going to class. Does anyone else have this problem? Or a solution to this problem because it is getting the best of me more than it doesn't.
Oh and I met a boy. About three or so weeks ago actually, and I'm just so happy. We met in our singles ward (I know, cute right?) well, he plays the organ, and I saw him playing and anyone that knows me know that I love guys with musical talent, ohh and he is very talented! Well, long story short we started talking and we have seen each other about every day since. He is wonderful, amazing, and so great. I can't even describe it. Oh he has a name its Briant :) I have never quite been so happy dating someone its super cute:) We love to just watch movies at my house or go on ridiculous drives somewhere. Somehow though we always end up at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. We both LOVE that temple, its so gorgeous. We'll just park there and talk about everything. Its great. I got my wisdom teeth out last week and Briant was such a sweetheart. He came over and took care of me, sat with me, and we watched countless amounts of movies. He never once made fun of my chubby cheeks, he just made me feel so good about myself. Once again, so cute, right? :)
Yeah, so life is pretty grand right now. I have no complaints :)

1 comment:

  1. KARLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe I'M SO MAD AT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEXT ME WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I love you oh so very much :)
