Sunday, May 1, 2011

busy, busy, busy!!

Soooo I stink at blogging. We ALL know that. No surprise there.
Anyway, I have been so busy lately! And I must say I can't complain I love it! Here is what has been going on in my life! :)

Working like a mad woman. Seriously, its some crazy stuff. I'm in my final days of training for management. Its been so crazy, I love it though :) I've worked like 320940238423 hours this week (or at least it feels like was probably really only 30ish.) But still, its crazy.
I want to add though, that I'm still a little sad about not getting the job at Oakcrest, but I've accepted it. I wanted that very badly, but I'm starting to understand that THIS is what Heavenly Father wanted for me, so I'm determined to make the best of it!!!

Oh Salt Lake Community College, how you have consumed so much of my time. You are not going anywhere are you? I had my very last final for Spring Semester on Thursday!!!! It was so exciting!!! My lowest grade this semester was a B+ I was so proud of myself! This semester was crazy and I'm so thankful that it's over!!! I registered for Fall, and I'm very much not excited. I'm taking American Civ, Communications, Biology and a Biology lab. Booooo. I don't wanna :/ but oh well such is life.

One of my greatest friends Ashley moved home from Snow this week!!! I'm so happy about her decision to move home!! I really hope that we get to hang out and grow closer as friends. She is just what I need right now, I love you Ash I'm so glad that you are here now:)

And last, but certainly not least....Briant:) I'm sure it should go with out saying that he is consuming my thoughts allllll the time. I'm in love, yep, its a true fact :) I value the time I get to be with him more than ever now, we probably only see each other a for a few hours during the week then whatever time is available on the weekend between working/rehearsals. I love just laying in his arms. Oh what an amazing feeling it is. And have I mentioned before how much this boy can get me laughing? Its insane, really he just knows what to do or say to make me laugh! He forced me to go see that one Fast car movie last night (i honestly don't know the name) and (just between you and me) I may have liked it, just like when he made me watch Star Trek I may have enjoyed that more than I would have ever thought! ( but we can't let him know this, I was very set on the idea of hating it) Tonight we watched another movie. We are a laaaaaaame couple. We can't think of anything fun to do that's cheap. Any ideas???? They are greatly needed. Oh did I mention we're going to Washington at the end of May!? I'm super excited! We're going to see "Wicked" Pretty day excited :) Anyway, he is amazing, and well, amazing :)

I love life. :)

1 comment:

  1. You are just my bestest friend :) Hahahaha don't booooo school, we'll have SO much fun this year!! I'm stoked!! :) Wahhooooo, we'll be working and learnin' women! :) Hahahaha
