Friday, January 14, 2011

Church music..

Okay, so lately I have been having this odd obsession of listening to church music everywhere all the time! Its so weird, but I love it! I can't get enough of it! I bought a new CD at Deseret Book last week and I have loved it! It's We Believe Songs For Youth 2011 by Jenny Phillips. Its so amazing!!! I already have all the songs memorized. I'm telling you, its just amazing. My favorite song on it right now is called Stay. They lyrics are so comforting and just exactly how I feel right now. Honestly, Nothing makes me happier right now than listening to this music. I listen to it in the car, my room, whenever my laptop is on, on my ipod EVERYWHERE.
Also, I just started Rereading The Book Of Mormon again. I recently just finished reading it at the end of the year, and I was feeling like it was a good idea to reread it. Such a good idea! Also, last week in Sacrament there was a speaker (I know he was a member of the 70 but i don't remember who! oops!) anyways, he challenged us to read The Book Of Mormon before Conference in April. So of course I'm always up for a good Book Of Mormon challenge! So its five pages a day is what he said to do, but i just read it by reading ten pages a night, so I have decided to read 12 pages a night, its hard, but SO worth it. SO WORTH IT!
I know this is my second post in a row about church related stuff, but honestly the gospel is my life right now. I'm recently realizing how much power and strength comes from honestly reading and praying every day. I never want to go a day with out it again!
Anyways, I just feel like I need to testify that The Church is true. There is no doubt in my mind about that. The Savior lives. I know that in his strength I can do anything and overcome the trials in my life. He is waking this path with me, and I don't want it any other way.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen :)
"When it feels like life is too hard and the person that I want to be feels just out of me reach He whispers to me that I do not need to do it alone He never wanted me to face anything on my own. Because in the strength of the Lord I can do all things. He knows how to change the weakness in me. So I will let his light lift me up. He believes I can do hard things if I will trust him. And walk forward in the strength of the Lord." :) :)
- In the Strength of the Lord By Jenny Phillips.


  1. i know what ya mean, girl! i always really liked listening to hymns especially during junior year. and when i was a kid, it was primary songs. haha there's something about them, that's for sure. probably because they made me just... FEEL, you know? i just loved the sundays when i knew all the songs we were to sing in sacrament. haha cool :)

  2. Karlee!! I post about church stuff all the time :) It's good stuff!! Hahaha and wanna know something crazy!? I thought of re-reading the Book of Mormon again too!!!! I'm so excited!! :) And I always think like, "Maybe this time I will only read 5 pages" and then I go, "crap, if I've done 10 before, I can do 10 or more again" Hahahaha it's such a blessing though :) I LOVE YOUU!!!!! I'm so proud of you and you're amazing!! And don't feel ashamed or embarrassed to listen to church music... that's like what my iPod consists of. There's more church music than any other kind! Hahahahaha
