Monday, January 24, 2011

Prayer Changes Things...

For graduation my sister bought me this tile that says "prayer changes things" on it. It's on my dresser and I don't even hardly notice it anymore, but i was looking at it yesterday, and it made me stop and think how my life is so diff rent right now because I have a constant desire to talk with Heavenly Father.

Prayer does change things. Maybe not over night, and maybe not even in the way you would have expected, but I promise that the power of prayer is real. Heavenly Father always wants to hear about whats on our minds, and help us with important decisions.

I once was very frustrated that I wasn't getting an answer to my prayer that I had wanted so badly. But now I realize i was doing it all wrong. I didn't have complete faith that I would get my answer, i was just hoping that it would happen and I'd have the "burning in the bosom" feeling. Then i was very frustrated that I wasn't feeling this way.

Now, looking back my answer was there all along, i just was too blind to see it.

I promise that Prayer Changes Things. It may not be over night, but having a constant prayer in your heart, and talking with Heavenly Father will work miracles in your life :)

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