Monday, January 10, 2011

Happily Ever After. . .

Growing up I always heard stories of princesses and they were all very similar. They all start with Once upon a time and there is always these beautiful girls that usually had a very hard life or a big trial to come over, and after all of that there was a guy (or night and shining armor) that would come and "rescue" her from all of this, and they always lived happily ever after.

The other day I was watching one of these movies and it had been a long time since I have seen it and I kept relating it to my life. A few days prior to watching this movie I heard a song by Jenny Phillips "Happily Ever After" (if you haven't heard it i suggest you listen to it) and connected it to a talk by Elder Uchtdorf "Your Happily Ever After" both of these are so inspired by Heavenly Father it amazes me :)

Oh my goodness, I just have so many thoughts about all of this its crazy. In the song it says that right now we are just between "once upon a time" and "happily ever after" In a way that it so scary. We are sent to Earth to learn and grow and return to Heavenly Father. Sounds easy right?? Now, we all know its anything but easy. But, something that I have really realized in the past two weeks that the Savior lives. He is here walking this "in between time" time with us, he is our guide and should be our ultimate source of direction.

"Sometimes in your life the world will cast a spell and try to make your conscious fall asleep and forget the woman God would have you be, but if you are still you will understand the noble role you'll play in his plan. It's your time its you destiny to shine." How amazing and true is that!? We all know that life is hard and that spells are cast on us all the time, but if we just remember that God sent us here for a divine purpose it makes it so much easier.

Its has been so easy for me lately to get caught up in things in my life that are not perfect or out of a fairytale. I have let these things consume me. Change my opinion on so many things. But, after talking to a really good friend, praying and reading my scriptures I know that it was the Spirit that lead me to listing to that song and reading that talk. I know it!

Sometimes it does seem like the better option just to give. I got myself in the mind set that what does it matter its my life. Its only effecting me. Oh boy was I wrong! My good friend said this to me "Is eternity really worth losing when its easy to "give in"? ( I love you Ashley!!) This also got me realizing some things in my life. No, its not worth losing! I can do it, I can pull through and get to MY Happily Ever After. With tons of help from my family, friends, leaders and of course my Savior.

"don't settle for the story that the world would have you write you were born to reach eternal life let faith fill every chapter let the Savior lead you to....Happily Ever After." :)

1 comment:

  1. Karlee! I'm so proud of you! :) You're just a cutie and I love your guts!!
